Saturday, August 18, 2012

Finally Back

I haven't written a thing on here in over two months. And not to be a cynic or anything, but I don't have enough of a devout or consistent reader base for it to really matter much. But I want to change that. I want to be writing on here more often, my only issue is what to write about and focus on. So far this blog is just a jumbled mix of fashion DIY's, home decor, art, and other crafty odds and ends. But there's no uniformity as to what I'm writing about. I suppose the way my blog currently looks reflects my indecisive and multi-interested nature. I fall in love with something, be it home decor or knitting, and it consumes me for a time. But I soon tire of it and look for the next thing to move on to. The only consistency is that they are all some sort of creative outlet. Like right now, I'm working on replicating, or rather attempting to replicate, a blanket I saw on Pinterest. But I know myself, and I will get tired of this project before I even get halfway through, and then I will abandon it in the back of the closet, for me to discover sometime next year and attempt to finish it again soley because I'm tired of all the half finished projects that accumulate in my room. Well, let's see how far that blanket project will last.

 Cartoon of the day by Emily Flake. For more cartoons:
Via The New Yorker (Tumblr)