Friday, January 6, 2012

Blogging for Me

I started up this blog because...well, I'm not entirely sure. I suppose it was because I had gotten inspired by other art, fashion, and DIY blogs that I follow. And I wanted to try my hand at it. So far my blog doesn't have much direction, but that's what practice is all about. I've been getting quite a few views, to my surprise. it may not seem like a lot to most, but 5 page views a day when I haven't written anything in days is a pleseant surprise to me. I know it'll take hard work to get my blog known, and I know there's still much for me to learn about blogging. This is just my start. And I'm writing this post more for my own benefit than anything.

I've been talking to some friends and other people who have seen the things I make or craft. They've all been very supportive and some have encouraged me to start up a small business, such as an online business. The only thing holding me back was my own doubt. But with the new year, I'm trying to improve myself and get rid of my self doubt. The mentality I hold now is, you never know until you try. So I'm going to try. 

The type of crafts and handmade goods that I make vary. I like to think of myself as an artistic person, and my interests in art range from painting to crocheting to cooking. I enjoy making things with my own two hands. And I love seeing people use and appreciate my crafts. Wallets, embroidered sweaters, necklaces, bracelets, hats, scarves, and paintings were some of the gifts I made this holiday season. And they were all welcomed with wide eyes and appreciation.

Now I'm doing my research on what makes a successful blog and online shop. Clear, beautiful pictures are a necessity for a good blog. And as for my online shop, I need  to offer something that is not easily offered. I need to find my niche.

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